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The Navy Wind Quintet

Laivaston kvintetti, kuva Puolustusvoimat / Juhani Kandell

The Navy Wind Quintet is one of the smaller ensembles that operates within the Navy Band alongside the Navy Brass Quintet and Septet. The quintet primarily performs at celebrations and ceremonies where elegant and entertaining music is in order. Their sweet sounds have been heard in churches, museums and officers’ lounges, for example. However, the Navy Wind Quintet is most in its element when performing concert music, such as pieces composed by Danzi, Ibert and Beethoven. A traditional venue for the quintet has been St. Henry’s Ecumenical Art Chapel in Hirvensalo, Turku.


Sari Vaittinen, flute (leader of the quintet)
Anniina Hänninen, oboe
Antti Pursiainen, clarinet
Outi Tuohiniemi, french horn
Matti Joensuu, bassoon